Country Days-3 "Bosnia and Herzegovina" Program was Realized with Intensive Participation
Country Days -3 "Bosnia-Herzegovina" program organized by Istanbul University International Student Office was held in IU Congress and Culture Center with a strong participation on December 14, 2018 Friday between 15.00-17.00.
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Rector Prof. Mahmut AK and Office Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Faruk TAŞÇI interviewed Rumeli TV before the program starts.
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The exhibition drew attention because there were pictures of Aliya Izetbegovich, who had never been known before.
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Coordinator of IU International Student Office Assoc. Dr. Faruk Taşçı was on the podium to make his speech. He expressed his gratitude for dealing with Bosnia and Herzegovina and briefly introduced the International Student Office and underlined that they aim to contribute to the integration by means of their country days programs.
As the host of the Program, then the Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. Mahmut AK, addressed to listeners. In his speeches, Mr. AK expressed his happiness at seeing the students of Bosnia and Herzegovina at Istanbul University.
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After VTR prepared by Office, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador Mr. Bakir Sadovic, guest of honor Program, said in his speech he was satisfied with introduction of Bosnia and Herzegovina in such a Program.
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As the last speaker, the National Poet of Bosnia and Herzegovina Cemalettin LATİC was released.
The second part of the Program was in the form of activities to get to know Bosnia and Herzegovina better.
Bosnian Poetry Recital | Turkish Poetry in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Presentation of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
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At the end of the program, Bosniak rolls were served to the participants.